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Quelle Avenir pour la DV2008

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  • Habitués

Salut tous le monde...

Je n'aime pas etre le raporteur de mauvaise nouvelle, mais en se moment au Etas Unies il y'as un debat sur la nouvelle loi d'immigration. ca serai tres benefique si ceux qui sont sur place(USA) peuvent nous en dire plus sur se sujet. les speculation vont bon train... :shok: y'en as qui disent que la DV2008 vas etre tous simplement eliminer. En se moment c'est au stade des discussion au Senate. au debut ils ont voulus reduire le nombre de gagnant a 18 000 et maitenant on parle carement de suprimer la lotterie. La maison Blanche est pour la seconde hypothese c'est a dire supprimer la lotterie est beneficier les 50000 visas pour les travailheurs qualifies avec un advance degree(on parle d'une vouvelle categorie de visa). J'ai entendus dire (a confirmer) que BUSH veut absolument signier "the bill" into "Law" avant le debut d'octobre, et dans le cas echant et selon certain cela signifies assasiner la DV2008. d'autres disent que si la loi est signier elle vas pas toucher les DV2008.

D'autres reformes vont toucher les immigrants illgeaux qui vont etre regulariser (selon les cas je crois) et renforcer les frontieres americaines.....

Pour plus d'information lisez

Bonne chance a nous...

Modifié par Algerois
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  • Habitués

Je crois que le lien ne marche pas, alors j'ai copier tous ce qui as etais dit sur le site de la maison percise que rien n'est encore officile et c'est au stade des negiciations...

Fact Sheet: Border Security and Immigration Reform

Administration And Bipartisan Group Of Senators Reach Bipartisan Agreement On Comprehensive Immigration Reform

White House News

President Bush Discusses Comprehensive Immigration Bill

In Focus: Immigration

Today, Administration Officials And A Bipartisan Group Of Senators Reached Agreement On Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation. The proposal includes:

Putting Border Security And Enforcement First: Border security and worksite-enforcement benchmarks must be met before other elements of the proposal are implemented.

Providing Tools For Employers To Verify The Eligibility Of The Workers They Hire: Employers will be required to verify the work eligibility of all employees using an employment eligibility verification system, while all workers will be required to present stronger and more verifiable identification documents. Tough new anti-fraud measures will be implemented and stiff penalties imposed on employers who break the law.

Creating A Temporary Worker Program: To relieve pressure on the border and provide a lawful way to meet the needs of our economy, the proposal creates a temporary worker program to fill jobs Americans are not doing. To ensure this program is truly "temporary," workers will be limited to three two-year terms, with at least a year spent outside the United States between each term. Temporary workers will be allowed to bring immediate family members only if they have the financial ability to support them and they are covered by health insurance.

No Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants: Illegal immigrants who come out of the shadows will be given probationary status. Once the border security and enforcement benchmarks are met, they must pass a background check, remain employed, maintain a clean criminal record, pay a $1,000 fine, and receive a counterfeit-proof biometric card to apply for a work visa or "Z visa." Some years later, these Z visa holders will be eligible to apply for a green card, but only after paying an additional $4,000 fine; completing accelerated English requirements; getting in line while the current backlog clears; returning to their home country to file their green card application; and demonstrating merit under the merit-based system.

Strengthening The Assimilation Of New Immigrants: The proposal declares that English is the language of the United States and calls on the United States Government to preserve and enhance it, as well as enacting accelerated English requirements for many immigrants. In addition, the DHS Office of Citizenship will be expanded to include coordinating assimilation efforts in its mission, and the Education Secretary will make an English instruction program freely available over the Internet.

Establishing A Merit System For Future Immigration: The proposal establishes a new merit-based system to select future immigrants based on the skills and attributes they will bring to the United States. Under the merit-based system, future immigrants applying for permanent residency in the U.S. will be assigned points for skills, education, and other attributes that further our national interest including: ability to speak English; level of schooling, including added points for training in science, math, and technology; job offer in a specialty or high-demand field; employer endorsement; and family ties to the U.S.

Ending Chain Migration: The immigration system would be reformed to better balance the importance of family connections with the economic needs of our country by replacing the current system, where nearly two-thirds of green cards are awarded to relatives of U.S. citizens, with a system in which future family immigration will focus on the nuclear family and parents.

Clearing The Family Backlog In Eight Years: Millions of family members of U.S. citizens now wait years in line for a green card, with some waits estimated at as long as 30 years. Family members who have applied legally and have lawfully waited their turn in line will receive their green card within eight years.

Putting Border Security And Enforcement First

Border Security And Worksite Enforcement Benchmarks Must Be Met Before A Temporary Worker Program Is Implemented. These benchmarks include:

Miles of fence constructed.

Number of Border Patrol Agents hired.

"Catch and Return" continues at the border.

Employment Eligibility Verification System ready to process all new hires.

The Proposal Establishes New Penalties For Border Crimes And Gives The Border Patrol Additional Tools To Stop Illegal Border Crossings. Through the deployment of additional Border Patrol agents with supporting equipment, the construction of additional fencing and vehicle barriers in targeted areas, and the development of a proper mix of sensors, radar, and cameras, the proposal establishes a true commitment to securing our borders.

Providing Tools For Employers To Verify The Eligibility Of The Workers They Hire

Employers Will Be Required To Verify The Work Eligibility Of All Employees, While All Workers Will Be Required To Present Stronger And More Verifiable Identification Documents. Tough new anti-fraud measures will be implemented and stiff penalties imposed on employers who break the law.

The Employment Eligibility Verification System will allow for real-time verification of employee photos and documents.

The Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration will be able to share "no-match" information to ensure that illegal immigrants cannot use the Social Security information of Americans to pose as legal workers.

Employer audits will serve as an additional check on employer compliance with the system.

Creating A Temporary Worker Program

To Relieve Pressure On The Border And Provide A Lawful Channel To Meet The Needs Of Our Economy, The Proposal Creates A Temporary Worker Program. The program allows workers to enter the country to fill jobs that Americans are not doing. The temporary worker program:

Protects American workers by requiring U.S. employers to advertise the job in the United States at a competitive wage before hiring a temporary worker.

Provides additional labor protections for temporary worker program participants.

Allows temporary workers to enter the United States to work for three two-year terms, with at least a year spent outside the United States between each term.

Sets a cap of 400,000 on the temporary worker program, which can be adjusted up or down in the future depending on demand.

Requires temporary workers who want to bring their immediate family to show that they have the financial means to support them and that they are covered by health insurance.

Recognizes the unique needs of agriculture by establishing a separate seasonal agriculture component under the temporary worker program.

No Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigrants Who Come Out Of The Shadows Will Be Given Probationary Status. To maintain their probationary status, they must pass a background check, remain employed, and maintain a clean criminal record.

Illegal Immigrants Who Fulfill Their Probationary Requirements Can Apply For A Z Card, Which Will Enable Them To Live, Work, And Travel Freely. Z card holders will be required to pay a $1,000 fine, meet accelerated English and civics requirements, remain employed, and renew their visa every four years.

Z Card Holders Will Have An Opportunity To Apply For A Green Card, But Only After:

Paying an additional $4,000 fine,

Applying at the back of the line and waiting until the current backlog is cleared,

Returning to their home country to file their green card application, and

Demonstrating merit under the merit-based system.

Strengthening The Assimilation Of New Immigrants

The Proposal Declares That English Is The Language Of The United States And Calls On The United States Government To Preserve And Enhance It, As Well As Enacting Accelerated English Requirements For Some Immigrants. The success of our country depends upon helping newcomers assimilate into our society and embrace our common identity as Americans our shared ideals, an appreciation of our history, and an ability to speak and write the English language. Therefore, the Secretary of Education is directed to make an English instruction program freely available over the Internet. The DHS Office of Citizenship is expanded to include coordinating assimilation efforts in its mission, and additional funding is authorized for the Office.

Establishing A Merit System For Future Immigration

The Proposal Establishes A New Merit-Based System To Select Future Immigrants Based On The Skills And Attributes They Will Bring To The United States. A merit system is used by many other countries.

Under The Merit System, Future Immigrants Applying For Permanent Residency In The United States Will Be Assigned Points For Skills, Education, Employment Background And Other Attributes That Further Our National Interest. These skills include:

Ability to speak English.

Level of schooling, including added points for training in science, math, and technology.

Job offer in a high-demand field.

Work experience in the United States.

Employer endorsement.

Family ties to the United States.

Ending Chain Migration

In Place Of The Current System Where Nearly Two-Thirds Of Green Cards Are Awarded To Relatives Of U.S. Citizens, Our Immigration System Will Be Reformed To Better Balance The Importance Of Family Connections With The Economic Needs Of Our Country.

Visas for parents of U.S. citizens are capped, while green cards for the siblings and adult children of U.S. citizens and green card holders are eliminated.

A new Parents Visitor visa is created to ensure that parents are allowed to visit their children in the United States regularly and for extended periods of time.

The Diversity Lottery Program, which grants 50,000 green cards per year through random chance, is ended.

These rebalanced green cards are used to clear the Family Backlog in eight years and then applied to the new Merit System for future immigration once the backlog is cleared.

Clearing The Family Backlog Within Eight Years

Family Members Who Have Applied Legally, And Lawfully Waited Their Turn In Line, Will Receive Their Green Card Within The Next Eight Years. Today, millions of family members of U.S.

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Salut tous le monde

C'est pas une bonne nouvelle ,mais reste que la loi n'est pas encore voter ,et esperont quelle ne le sera pas .........

Au sujet de la DV2008 ,je ne crois pas quelle va ete annuler , une loterie qui débute ne s'annule pas ,c'est logique , investir de l'argent (même beaucoup ) puis rien récupérer (les 755 $ de l'entretien ), c'est du gachie .

Alors bonne chance a nous et a moi surtout qui n'a rien recu pour le moment,moi qui attends cette fameuse lettre de notification depuis tres longtemps. incha allah ca sera pour bientot .

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  • Habitués

Cela concerne la DV2009, je vous avez dit qu'il y avait un risque qu'elle soit suprimée... et tout le monde m'a contredit!

La DV2008 ne risque rien puisqu'elle figure sur le projet de loi déjà voté par le sénat, et le vote pour l'adoption des lois a lieu tous les 2 ans, et comme la DV2007 et DV2008 ont déjà été votées et bien il n' y a aucun risque.

Reste à voir pour les prochaines DV, mais je pense sincèrement qu'il n'y aura plus de lotterie à partir de 2009.

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  • Habitués

Bonjour tous,

Tres bonne nouvelles pour les gagnants du DV2008. Même si la nouvelle loi d'immigration passe le DV2008 survivra. La date d'application de la la nouvelle loi concernant le visa DV est le 1ier Octobre 2008.

section prise de la loi proposée:


EFFECTIVE DATE:.(1) The amendments made by this section shall take effect on October 1, 2008; (2) No alien may receive lawful permanent resident status based on the diversity visa program on or after the effective date of this section.

Pour voire la loi en entier ici:

A mon avis DV2008 c'est la dernière profitez avant que c'est trop tard.

Bonne chance a tous

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  • Habitués


et moi qui n a participé qu a la 2008 :( , donc si j ai pas de chance c'est foutu pour moi :(

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Salut tous le monde

Voila ,on pourras jamais prédire l'avenir seul dieu le sait si la DV2009 aura lieu ou pas .

Et a mon avis (avis personnel ) vue que Bush et le président le plus détesté des USA ,je crois pas que les lois éditer par lui et son partie seront soutenue au sénat ,disant que peut etre il aura une immigration sélectif comme pour Canada et Quebec . reste un avis personel .

Deja le faite que pour la DV 2008 ils ont demander a connaitre le niveau d'étude du candidat ca éveil des soupçon de la sélectivités de cette lotterie DV 2008.

reste un avis personnel et j'attends vos avis ,


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Salut à tous

Fasse Dieu que nous soyons notifiés pour le dv 2008 de cette année et que dv2009 ait lieu pour ceux qui n'ont pas participé a la dv2008.Que nul ne se decourage! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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  • Habitués

salut les amis

unitile de vous engoisser comme ca, chaque année y'a eu des speculations dans ce sens au congré mais la loi n'a jamais été voté car la diversité c'est ce qui a fait les usa, une fois encore buch veux faire diversion par rapport a ce qui es en train de se passer ailleur (politique etrangère usa). ca m'etonnerai que les democrate le laisse faire..........

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  • Habitués

C'est la première fois que Bush et Edward Kennedy (le plus libérale des démocrates) sont arrivé a un compromis sur cette nouvelle loi d'immigration. C'est plutôt les plus conservateurs des sénateurs et des députés qui sont contre cette loi.

salut les amis

unitile de vous engoisser comme ca, chaque année y'a eu des speculations dans ce sens au congré mais la loi n'a jamais été voté car la diversité c'est ce qui a fait les usa, une fois encore buch veux faire diversion par rapport a ce qui es en train de se passer ailleur (politique etrangère usa). ca m'etonnerai que les democrate le laisse faire..........

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  • Habitués
Bonjour tous,

Tres bonne nouvelles pour les gagnants du DV2008. Même si la nouvelle loi d'immigration passe le DV2008 survivra. La date d'application de la la nouvelle loi concernant le visa DV est le 1ier Octobre 2008.

section prise de la loi proposée:


EFFECTIVE DATE:.(1) The amendments made by this section shall take effect on October 1, 2008; (2) No alien may receive lawful permanent resident status based on the diversity visa program on or after the effective date of this section.

Pour voire la loi en entier ici:

A mon avis DV2008 c'est la dernière profitez avant que c'est trop tard.

Bonne chance a tous

Merci pour l'information. Moi aussi, je pense que peut etre la DV2008 seras la derniere. Cependant rien n'est encore officiel vue que des amendements peuvent toujours etre propose a tous moment.

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  • Habitués
salut les amis

unitile de vous engoisser comme ca, chaque année y'a eu des speculations dans ce sens au congré mais la loi n'a jamais été voté car la diversité c'est ce qui a fait les usa, une fois encore buch veux faire diversion par rapport a ce qui es en train de se passer ailleur (politique etrangère usa). ca m'etonnerai que les democrate le laisse faire..........

Salut mon frere,

Je suis pas un expert en politique Americaine mais je sais que l'administration Bush est la pire de l'histoire des Etas Unies en ce qui concerne les relation internationales. Il est evident que Bush veut faire de la reforme sur l'immigration son premier success et il est tous as fais claire qu'il pret a tous pour atteindre son objective. Ce que j'ai crus comprendre a traver plusieurs poste est qu'en 2006 le senate a rejeter un accord similaire. Cela ne veut absolument pas dire que l'histoire vas se repeter, car bien au contraire beaucoup de chose ont changer. D'une maniere generale,La loi actuel sur l'immigration as prouver ces limites et si on parle de la DV lotterie se n'est que l'arbre qui cache la foret car il y'as des problemes plus grave a resoudre comme les illgeaux, les quotas H1B, regroupement familiales...etc. Une chose est sure il y'auras bel bien reforme de la loi d'immigration au states, en ce qui concerne la DV lotterie qu'elle soit maintenue ou supprimer les avis divergent car personne ne peut predire l'avenire et encore moin ce qui se passe dans la tete des officiels Americains. quoi que les dernieres news ne sont pas rassurante, les senateurs des deux blocs sont parvenus as un compromis sur la reforme de l'immigration. Dedans il as etais mentioner noire sur blanc "Ending the DV Lottery".

Au plaisir,

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