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  • Habitués

et pas j'en rêve encore

ouais c'est ce qu'on dit wink.gif

bon serieusement content que ca vous ait plu....

j'en ai qques autres comme ca, mais celle la c'etait ma preferee, elle est vraiment d'un raffinement divin !!

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j'en ai qques autres comme ca, mais celle la c'etait ma preferee, elle est vraiment d'un raffinement divin !!


N'hesite pas à nous part des autres blagues du genre tongue.gif Elles sont res appreciees biggrin.gif Mais il est vrai que celle ci etait, comme tu l'as dit, "d'un raffinement divin" biggrin.giflaugh.gif


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j'en ai qques autres comme ca, mais celle la c'etait ma preferee, elle est vraiment d'un raffinement divin !!


N'hesite pas à nous faire part des autres blagues du genre tongue.gif Elles sont tres appreciees biggrin.gif Mais il est vrai que celle ci etait, comme tu l'as dit, "d'un raffinement divin" biggrin.giflaugh.gif


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  • Habitués


ouais ouais deux minutes

en ayant commence avec celle-la, j'ai mis la barre un peu haut

du coup si j'en trouves pas une aussi sympa je vais me faire charier apres tongue.gif

mais bon promis j'y pense

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En espérant que personne ne l'a encore sortie celle-ci! laugh.giftongue.giflaugh.gif

Short and funny laugh.gif

Little Johnny was sitting in class one day. On this particular day,

the teacher wanted to ask her class which part of the body went to

heaven first.

One little girl raised her hand and said " I think your mind goes to

heaven first because you have to have a mind in order to believe in


The teacher praises the little girl as a little boy raises his hand.

He says, " I think your heart goes to heaven first because God is

all about love."

"Very good", says the teacher. The teacher looked up and saw Little

Johnny's hand up. " Oh no, " she thought, I'm not gonna like this. "

Little Johnny, which part of the body goes to heaven first?" she


Little Johnny thinks for a minute and says, " Your feet." The

teacher asked him why he thought your feet go to heaven first.

He replied, " Well, I was walking past my parents' bedroom last

night and my Mom had her feet up in the air and she said, " Oh God,

I'm coming!", but fortunately Dad was on top of her holding her


Céline biggrin.gif

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Mdr laugh.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gif heureusement que le pere a eu la presence d'esprit de se mettre bien comme il faut au dessus de sa femme... ça c'est du reflexe tongue.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif

Excellente .... BIS

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Hehe vive British Airways... Maintenant, je sais pourquoi on dit qu'on atteint le 7eme ciel !!! biggrin.gif

A mother had 3 daughters. They were all getting married within a

short time period. Because mom was a bit worried about how their

sex lives would get started, she made them all promise to send a

postcard from the honeymoon with a few words on how marital sex


The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after the

wedding. The card said nothing but "Nescafe." Mom was puzzled at

first, but then went to the kitchen and got out the Nescafe jar.

It said: "Good till the last drop." Mom blushed, but was pleased

for her daughter.

The second girl sent the card from Vermont a week after the

wedding, and the card read: "Benson & Hedges." Mom now knew to

go straight to her husband's cigarettes, and she read from the

Benson & Hedges pack: "Extra Long. King Size." She was again

slightly embarrased but still happy for her daughter.

The third girl left for her honeymoon in the Caribbean. Mom

waited for a week, nothing. Another week went by, and still

nothing. Then after a whole month, a card finally arrived.

Written on it with shaky handwriting were the words: "British

Airways." Mom took out her latest Harper's Bazaar magazine,

flipped through the pages fearing the worst, and finally found

the ad for the airline. The ad said: "Three times a day, seven

days a week, both ways." Mom fainted.

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laugh.giflaugh.gif tout simplement EXCELLENTE !!!! laugh.gif

Maitnenant on sait pourquoi tant de personnes choisissent British Airways biggrin.gif Les petits malins!!! biggrin.gif Et la KLM ca donne quoi? laugh.giflaugh.gif

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A guy goes into a pharmacy walks up to the pharmacist and asks him for some condoms. The pharmacist says: "well they come in packs of 3, 9, and 12". The kid says: "well im going to have dinner at her place tonight and after that were going out and i think im gonna get lucky and once she had me she wont be able to get enough, so better make it twelve". Meanwhile he goes home and gets ready and heads over to her house to have dinner and meet her parents. They sit down ready for dinner and they ask him to say grace. He says it and goes on and on and on...(goes on for nearly 10 minutes, blessing EVERYTHING including the table, the silverware, all the containers, the floor, etc...) The girl leans over and says: "you didn't tell me you were such a religious person", and he leans back and says: "you didn't tell me your dad was a pharmacist".

tongue.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif Pour quelqu'un sur le point de faire quelque chose de pas tres catholique.. il a l'air plutot pratiquant le gaillard smile.gif

Au moins les présentations sont déja faites, hehe ça évite les protocoles de politesse mdrrr tongue.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif

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A vous, qui croyez que toute vérité est bonne à dire !!! tongue.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif

There was this couple that was married for 20 years, and every time they had sex the husband always insisted on shutting off the lights. Well, after 20 years the wife felt this was stupid. She figured she would break him out of the crazy habit. So one night, while they were in the middle of doing it, she turned on the lights. She looked down and saw her husband was holding a dildo.

She gets completely upset.

"You impotent bastard," she screamed at him, "how could you be lying to me all of these years. You better explain yourself!"

The husband looks her straight in the eyes and says, calmly, "I'll explain the dildo if you can explain our three kids."

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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple was on their honeymoon, when the new bride says to the husband, "I have a confession to make, I'm not a virgin."

The husband replies, "That's no big thing in this day and age."

The wife continues, "Yeah, I've been with one guy."

"Oh yeah ? Who was the guy ?"

"Tiger Woods."

"Tiger Woods, the golfer ?"


"Well, he's rich, famous and handsome. I can see why you went to bed with him."

The husband and wife then make passionate love. When they are done, the husband gets up and grab the phone.

"What are you doing ?" asks the wife.

"I'm hungry, I was going to call room service and get something to eat."

"Tiger wouldn't do that."

"Oh yeah ? What would Tiger do ?"

"He'd come back to bed and do it a second time."

The husband puts down the phone and goes back to bed, makes love one more time. When they finish, he gets up and goes over to the phone.

"Now what are you doing ?" she asks.

The husband says, "I'm still hungry so I was going to get room service to get something to eat."

"Tiger wouldn't do that."

"Oh yeah ? What would Tiger do ?"

"He'd come back to bed and do it again."

The guy slams down the phone, goes back to bed and makes love one more time. When they finish he's tired and beat. He drags

himself over to the phone and starts to dial.

The wife asks, "Are you calling room service??"

No!! I'm calling Tiger Woods, to find out what the par is for this damn hole !!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Habitués

Un indien est en train de garder des chèvres. Un cow-boy se pointe et

lui dit:

- C'est ton chien?

- Lui être!

- Je peux lui parler un peu?

- Chien pas parler!

Bon, le cow boy s'approche du chien.

- Ca va ?

- Pas mal! (Stupeur de l'indien...)

- Cet Indien, c'est ton maître?

- Ouais.

- Il est bien avec toi ?

- Oui, très bien. Il m'emmène pisser deux fois par jour,

me donne de la bonne bouffe et joue avec moi.

(Ahurissement de l'Indien)

Le cow-boy demande a l'Indien.

- C'est ton cheval?

- Lui être!

- Je peux lui parler un peu?

- Cheval pas parler.

Le cow-boy s'approche du cheval.

- Ca roule?

- Bien! (l'Indien de plus en plus ahuri)

- Cet indien, c'est ton maître?

- Oui.

- Comment il te traite?

- Bien. Il me monte bien, me fait faire juste l'exercice nécessaire, une

bonne course par jour.

Il ne me surmène pas, me fait boire régulièrement, et il m'a construit une

cabane ou il y a de la litière et du foin.

(l'Indien n'en croit ni ses yeux ni ses oreilles)

Le cow-boy revient vers l'Indien.

- C'est tes chèvres?

- chèvres mentir. ....


Voila voila bonne journee a tous.

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  • Habitués

Le coup des chêvres, ca me rappelle une des remarques en voix-off dans l'Exorciste 2 smile.gifsmile.gif


(Pourquoi les pantalons des militaires ont des poches sur les côtés ??)

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